Mathias Wakgari

Frontend & Backend Engineer

Mathias Wakgari

Hey there, Mathias Wakgari here. I am a fourth-year Software Engineering student at Addis Ababa Institute of Technology. I recognised the perfect study location for me ever as I discovered my affinity for IT. As technology has become a vital element of everyday life, I am convinced that software development is critical to societal well-being. That is why I never want to stop growing as a professional, and I am willing to put in the effort required to learn new IT skills. I can assure you that I am qualified to work on your next project, since I am well-versed in HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJs, NodeJs and Express, PHP, Flutter, and Firebase. Let's work together in your next project.

Services offered


Frontend Web Development


Backend Web Development

Previous Works

Developed with: React.js

A Game library developed using React and Chakra UI. A simple and minimalistic web app. Connected to a backend Service. Search for a game, sort games by platforms, ratings and so on. Mobile responsive.

Developed with: React.js

A Movie library developed using React and Chakra UI. This web app is used only as information provider. Connected to an API. Search for a movie, order games by ratings, release year and so on. Mobile responsive.

Developed with: React.js

A YouTube clone web app names as MatTube, developed using React and Chakra UI. Functionalities include, searching a video, viewing a video, searching for channels and so on. Mobile responsive.

Z: Social Home
Developed with: React.js & Firebase

A Real-time chat React web app, developed using React and Firebase. Functionalities include, searching a user, texting a user, sending images and so on. Mobile responsive.

Developed with: Node.js & Express.js

API built using Node.js and Express. Includes all CRUD operations. Full Authorization and Authentication.

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